Sunday, July 7, 2024

Why do you not engage in debates on Reddit?

Compliant: You post on Reddit all the time and yet, you don't engage in any discussions? Why? Are you afraid that your view or arguments won't hold up? 


I would love to have an intelligent discussion on Reddit or elsewhere. The problem with Reddit is the downvotes. 

According to Reddit, if you think something contributes to conversation, upvote it. If you think it does not contribute to the conversation, then downvote it. Voting is supposed to be based on whether one thinks a comment is constructive to the conversation or discussion. It is NOT a like or dislike button. 

The last time I attempted to have a discussion, I received almost 100 downvotes. Almost all of my comments now get multiple downvotes, usually more downvotes than responses. Currently, my last 20 comments have 40 downvotes. See here

Here's the issue with downvotes 

1) Downvotes decrease one's Reddit karma; Once a poster reaches a certain threshold, the post is hidden

2) If you have low karma or go negative, it can restrict where you can participate due to community restrictions.

3) Some communities remove or filter content from those with low karma, and especially those with negative karma, the latter being an anti-troll measure.

4) you aren’t able to post in some places; either your post is removed or a time limit gets put on your next post or comment.

5) Being Shadowbanned, which means your account is basically stuck in the spam filter site-wide and all your content is automatically filtered out as a "bad faith" user.

Conclusion: It could be that some are attempting to muzzle me by making the algorithm see my posts as trolling or as a "bad faith" poster. 

Now, it could that my down voters truly think my content is low effort, or doesn't contribute to the conversation or community, and they are simply following the rules.   

Fair enough, but to that I'd say that I too am following the rules as there is no Reddit rule that states one must respond to any comment.

From the Reddit help section concerning responding to comments:

Authors aren’t obligated to respond to anything, they are writing for free, giving content to you, you should be appreciating them, not the other way around, it takes more time to write than it does to read... or downvote

You have no obligation to respond to any comments made in any thread you don't owe them jack.

Replies aren't expected for the most part. If someone put a lot of effort into to their answer, it's nice to recognize that.

And TBH, most of the comments I get are not very thoughtful; they are more like a drive-by-comment, akin to something you shout at someone as you pass them by. 

I guess my guiding principles are 

1) Matthew 11:15 He who has ears to hear, let him hear. 

2) Matthew 7:6 “Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you.

Jesus appears to be saying:1) having “ears to hear.” is different from just having ears; it's those who truly listen, are open and seek understanding 2) Do not waste good things on people who will not appreciate them. He warns against wasting time or effort on those who clearly have no interest; they won't appreciate it and may attack you for it.

My posts and comments are for those who have ears to hear; it's my prayer that my words will help those who seek to work through a difficult passage or issue and to enrich their faith.  

If you desire an intelligent discussion, then PM me or respond on my blog.  But if there is a well-thought-out or good faith comment on Reddit, I would respond to it, but at this point it not worth it. 

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